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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hobby Tip: Basing Before Primer Application

I have seen a lot of painting articles out there that call for basing the model as the last step. For a long time this is how I would base my own models, but I would often dust up my just complete paint job or splatter some base paint on a foot or leg unintentionally. This would cause unnecessary rework and I considered changing up the order of steps. I thought that perhaps basing the model would be more appropriate during the assembly step just prior to the primer. There are a lot of scenic basing techniques that follow this very method. If you are just following this simple process do your basing in this order and see if it improves the time it takes when the model is complete.
Termites that got the sand bath
1.       Apply a white crafting glue that is dilutable with water (Elmer’s works if you want a cheap solution. Use a standard brush (not your best) to spread in an even layer.
My slightly frayed glue brush
2.       Coat or dip in a sandy medium. I prefer the Citadel brand, but there are plenty of cheap options available. Lightly tap off the excess sand.

3.       Use about a 50/50 mix of glue and water. Lightly dab the mixture onto the sand to create a light sealant over the top. I usually apply this step fairly quickly after shaking off the excess sand because I can relocate grains of sand that ended up on the model back onto the base per my intent.

4.       Allow to completely dry before primer application
Hopefully these steps will save time for those of you new to building minis or those who are looking for different techniques.

The finished termite

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