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Monday, December 15, 2014

Flames of War Battle Report Germans vs Soviets (Late War)

Hello Comrades,

I dusted off my Soviets this weekend and played some FOW at my FLGS Panzer Depot in Kirkland. The game size was 2000 points which takes about 3 hours to play at a relaxed pace. My friend Walter was running a late war German Armored list while I fielded a reliable late war Strelkovy army out of the Red Bear book.

This was my set up. The mission required me to place my entire army since I was the attacker and the Germans got to defend with reserves. There were only two objective on the table and they were well defended by his Jagtigers.

On turn one I rushed forward at a normal pace. I thought about moving on the double, but I would incur double shots from the Jagtigers and that would spell the end to my armor in no time.

One objective lay in the open field and that was my best bet for victory since the other object (the Tiger wreck) was too well guarded.

I took a limited air support and it was reliably arriving to deal with the Jagtiger in the open.

The Germans had made a desperate attempt to halt my advance within the first 3 turns. I lost nearly all of my tanks and my Katyushas weren't doing as much damage as I thought they would.

The Germans were inflicting heavy damage to my infantry with their artillery and armor, however I knocked out their only anti air defense mid game which was the first major blow I was able to deal this game.

The turn after the Germans lost their AA I was able to knock out one of the 400 point Jagtigers with my air support. My infantry was still struggling to break through, but the right side of the German defense wasn't going to hold under much pressure.

After two brutal assaults under the iron fist of my commissar I was able to destroy the German infantry hiding in their foxholes and claim the objective. The German reinforcement Stugs arrived too late to alter the course of this battle and the Soviets were able to claim victory.

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