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Monday, December 15, 2014

Emperor's Children Project Progress

Jeremie here giving an update on my Horus Heresy project. So far so good with the Emperor's Children paint scheme. I have been working on these for the last month along with some other projects (Dark Elves and Flames of War Soviets).

I decided to paint the armor with liche purple and highlighted with 50/50 emperor's children and liche purple. The base is done in a charcoal black basecoat followed by a heavy drybrush of graveyard earth and light drybrush of administratum grey. I opted to use decals for ease of not having to do freehand painting. I highly recommend using Microsol when applying decals since it softens them and makes application on curved surfaces much easier.

I expect the rest of the unit of 10 to be completed within 2 weeks which means I painted up 10 marines in a months time which is fairly good pacing for me.

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