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Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Emperor's Children Seek Allies! Enter House Seneca

Having played a fair amount of games with my EC army I’ve begun to branch out some. The main reason is due to encountering an opponent that my army is ill equipped to deal with. My latest challenge has come from a Thousand Sons player that fields all terminators usually with Magnus to lead. Being in a special Rite of War for Thousand Sons, all of these Terminators have force weapons and a 3++ save. I realized that I could really use a D weapon to cause some pain to this unit.

I decided to not only to begin including a unit of 10 Volkite Culverins, I also wanted to take an Imperial Knight Errant. Being a fan of Legio Mortis I decided that I would have this knight come from House Seneca, which has sworn fealty to Legio Mortis. Bonded houses tend to match the colors of the legion they support so that’s how I will paint my knight, in Legio Mortis colors.

My hope is that once one of the Thousand Sons Termies teleports in my knight will be able to charge in and dish out some D weapon wounds which have the best chance of knocking out 2 wound termies with one failed wound. My next game is coming up soon enough so we will see if this was effective or not.

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