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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Second Contemptor

I'm back with some more heresy action! I have my second contemptor dreadnought ready to go. One of the best ways to field a contemptor is in a talon of 3 and a can check off #2 at this point and I will soon have #3 ready after having purchased a Betrayal at Calth set. I personally would not want to be on the receiving end of 3 contemptors!

My hope is that I will stop getting stomped on by Firedrakes when running a complete talon. Firedrakes are tough to deal with and I didn't really have a good counter in my army since most of my units can only deal with basic marines.With any luck I will get more Horus Heresy games in since the price of entry has just been lowered with the introduction of Betrayal at Calth. That set is perfect for those people who wanted to play, but didn't want to sell a kidney.

Ancient Rylanor and friend

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