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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What is Forumware?

Something that I have been delving into more in relation to my hobby projects is forumware. This term defines any small scale independent production of miniatures that are typically used for an existing game system such as Epic Armageddon or Warhammer 40K. If you look hard enough on certain fan forums like Tactical Command (hence the term “forumware”) or individual hobby blogs you will encounter this product. If you can find someone producing their own you can sometimes purchase it for a modest price or alternatively if it’s no longer being produced (like Otterware) then you can sometimes spot it on Ebay going for a hefty price.
Forumware Grey Knights for Epic
I wanted to show off some of the forumware that I am working on for my Epic Necrons. I recently acquired a Ghost Ark that is being used as a Warbarque in Epic. I have also included a pic of a rare Otterware Obelisk for Necrons. As of the timing of this article you can still purchase the Ghost Arks off of Ebay at a reasonable price.
Trolls Ghost Ark
OOP Otterware Obelisk sans corners

Forumware is the gaming communities’ answer to filling the gap that Games Workshop left after dropping specialist games. Just because specialist games are no longer supported doesn’t mean that you have to resort to the secondary market to build your army. So far the people that I have dealt with when purchasing this product have been reputable and the quality of the miniatures are top notch. If you are looking to purchase some for yourself be patient because the process takes a bit longer than your normal web purchase and be sure to use a paypal account for your transactions just in case the deal turns sour.


  1. I am myself looking to purchase some of these excellent minis. If you have any or could point me in the right direction i would appreciate it.

  2. I am myself looking to purchase some of these excellent minis. If you have any or could point me in the right direction i would appreciate it.

    1. I was able to gather my army from different sculptors. I was able to find some people selling their custom sculpts on in the forums (hence forumware). sells their "ghost ark" on ebay, they also have other custom Epic minis for IG. Shapeways is another good site to check out. I got my Necron pylons from there, but they are a bit pricy since it's on demand 3D printing.

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