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Monday, May 4, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Tactical Support Squad

My Emperor’s Children army continues to grow with the addition of a tactical support squad. Currently in 30k most armies that people are playing are marine legions. This may change down the road as 30k opens up to more xenos choices, but until then it is good to be running some plasma gunners in any army. This unit is quite high in points for just 5 marines so I’m looking at getting them a transport in the near future to give them some added protection and mobility.
As far as painting technique goes I’m getting more comfortable with applying some source lighting on my models. I like how the plasma coils pop out more because of it. I decided to model the sergeant with a combi-bolter because I wanted him to stand apart aesthetically and didn’t want to lose him to an overheating gun.
I haven’t used this unit in a game yet because I’ve been holding myself up to a very high standard of only using fully painted models in my 30K games so I’m excited to bring this level of firepower in. Hopefully I won’t suffer from plasma overheating to often!

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