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Monday, March 23, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Ancient Rylanor in-progress

I recently built up an Ancient Rylanor for my Emperor's Children army. I had tentative plans to include him in my army down the road, but a generous friend of mine donated his Emperor's Children Contemptor to me so I thought, "why not?" and started this side project. My loyalist Emperor's Children will be pleased to have Rylanor supporting them from here on!

Original Rylanor artwork

Rylanor doesn't have an "official" model, but he does have rules listed in Horus Heresy Vol I: Betrayal. He is equipped with a Kheres Autocannon and a CCW with in-built flamer. Building him was fairly easy now since I have built 2 contemptors before him. In my experience it's best to start with the feet first and work your way up. The Forge World Contemptor has excellent posability which is a blessing and a curse. I have had to break parts a few times just to repose it just right. It's good to be conservative with that super glue!

Since I didn't have to do a lot of conversion on the model itself I decided to add a more flare to the base itself. I liked the idea of special characters getting additional decoration in order to set them apart from the basic units of my army.


I might just move Rylanor up in the paint schedule since he is one of my favorite characters from the novel series. Hopefully I will have painted pics to show off here in the near future.

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