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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Axis & Allies Global review and report

One of my favorite board games out there is Axis & Allies 1940. There are separate games for the Pacific and European theaters of war. When combined they are known collectively as Axis & Allies Global 1940 or just A&A Global. This is the most complicated version of Axis & Allies to date and that is largely due to the inclusion of neutral powers and minor powers into the global map. The original game from the 80’s only had 5 playable nations while 1940 Global has 9 albeit they are usually played in conjunction with a greater nation.
This is a brief review and battle report of a game that I started on 2/28 and as of the date of this article the game is still in progress. One of the challenges with A&A Global is that you need to set aside a good chunk of time to fully play out a game. I would say that most games can last anywhere between 6-12 hours. A game of Warhammer is less of a time commitment unless it’s a 4000 point battle; even then I think A&A Global would still take longer with an experienced group of players.
The game out of box has some room for contents improvement. There aren't any IPCs (money) slips included and nothing to represent the neutral powers. I dished out some extra money for to make the experience more enjoyable by purchasing some minis to represent the neutral nations since it is possible to attack and hold them.
Historical Board Gaming has an excellent selection of gaming pieces to customize your A&A game:
We determined that I would play as the Axis powers in this game. It was a 3 player game so it made sense to have the other 2 players run the Allies. In turn one I tried to set up an operation Sea Lion threat with Germany, but fell flat since I had failed to sink all of the UK fleet and in turn lost almost all of my air power. I had easily taken France out with my land units and left some territory for Italy to capture. I was certain after all of my combat was done that I would have to focus everything that Germany would do from this point on for operation Barbarossa so I began staging my units accordingly. Italy and Japan had strong turns in the first round. I played to aggressively contain the Chinese areas and prepared for a strong push south. Luckily for me the allies couldn't make any substantial gains at this point and focused more on unit build up.

 turn 2 in progress
 By turn 2 I had made my attack against the USSR and took a few territories, but held in reserve most of my armor since they were positioned well to counterattack. Italy was able to secure the Mediterranean and started a massive land grab in Africa. Italy normally struggles if the UK pours a lot of IPCs into Africa. The UK attempted to rebuild her fleet and I took a gamble with my remaining Luftwaffe and sank more of their ship in order to delay them another turn. I lost all my air, but in turn gained some time to push east. Japan was able to begin grabbing some of the valuable islands down south and started bombing the complex in Calcutta, which stymied any UK production in the Pacific.

Turn 3 saw the Axis also make another large gain and took out the US and ANZAC fleet in the Pacific. Germany struggled to make any major gains in Russia, but Italy managed to secure most of Africa before the US started landing troops in Morocco. We had to put the game on hold at this point because we had spent a lot of time getting to this point and the game is still too close to call. The Allies have a chance of knocking out Germany before Japan can score the cities needed to win.

This is the state of all the nations by the end of turn 3

My next article will follow up with the conclusion of this match and what strategies really paid off in the end.

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