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Friday, January 9, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: To Be Loyalist or Not...

One of the cool things about building my Heresy era Emperor’s Children Legion is the availability of Loyalist and Traitor characters. I would eventually like to build them all up giving me versatility of going with either side.
So much easier to sculpt hair when the head is separate.
 For this article I wanted to show off my Saul Tarvitz and Lord Commander Eidolon. The Saul Tarvitz is very close to other conversions I have seen online, which uses the body of the Space Marine Master of the Fleet. I did some additional putty (green stuff) work on the head to better match the artist rendition of him. The other bits include a standard space marine arm with added Empire wizard sword. The pauldron on the right arm is modified by shaving is down in places and adding putty over the gaps.
Overall I am satisfied with the assembly. I will give an update on this once painting is complete. In my next article I will detail how I built up Lord Commander Eidolon and a basic Legion Consul with spare bits.
I used the crest from a Warhammer Slaanesh Champion and ground it down to fit the Mk 4 helmet
The backpack is an old Chaos Space Marine Backpack that I chopped up.

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