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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Saul Tarvitz Complete

Saul Tarvitz will be representing my army in it's Loyalist Phase
I made better progress than I expected on this conversion. Originally I never intended to build a Tarvitz or an Eidolon in the early stages of my army planning because they didn't have a model. My reservation was mainly due to the perceived work that I would have to put into a conversion that I would be happy with. I decided to do some research online out of curiosity. Luckily other people had taken this on before me and my conversion is based off of what a few people have already done. It looked easy enough so why not? I'm glad I went ahead with this project.

Most of the mini is composed of the Space Marine Master of the Fleet. I did minimal sculpting for the hair. The sword arm is a standard marine chainsword that I cut down and added an Empire Wizard sword to. The pauldron comes from the larger Chaos Space Marine bit. I shaved it down in places and green stuffed the gapped areas along the upper ridge. I added an Emperor's Children brass etch icon as a finishing touch. The backpack is an extra Mark IV space marine backpack from one of the marine kits I ordered from Forge World.

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