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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Horus Heresy Progress Report

Hello readers, if you had been checking up on my posts you my remember that I begun work on the special characters out of the Heresy list for Emperor's Children. Since I wanted to take Saul Tarvitz early on in my gaming events I have been putting a lot of work into him in particular.

I'm nearing completion on the painting portion and so far I like my choice of colors
This is the Saul Tarvitz artwork that I referenced in my conversion and painting steps

 I decided to paint some parts separate in order to reach hard to brush areas of the model. I try to avoid painting in pieces when possible due to the extra work, however I will make exceptions if it will affect visible areas of the model.

Another unit being worked alongside Tarvitz is a unit of Assault Marines. I have decided to go assembly line style with the unit in order to speed up my painting. I often don't paint assembly line style, but I should employ it more in the future.

I'm about at the half way point of painting this unit

I look forward to showing off the finished minis in the near future and hopefully this will be inspiration for others to get more painting in.

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