My latest project is building a 1st legion army for Warhammer 30K, aka The Horus Heresy. Right now this has been my favorite Games Workshop game for the last couple of years because I love the setting and I also think it has the most balance out of all of their current major game systems as I write this.
The group of friends that I normally play with in the Pacific Northwest are starting a tale of gamers style of campaign where we build up our army in 750 point increments every other month. In my future articles I plan to capture those increments of the progress I make and showcase what my friends are also working on.
I chose the 1st legion for two reasons. I wanted a loyalist legion that had a portion of it that turned traitor, this was also a big factor in my 3rd legion selection many years back. I also really liked the background and look of the Dark Angels. I have been a fan from the earliest days of my introduction to 40k. Their newer 30k specific units look awesome so it was an easy choice for me to make.
Test model front view |
I decided I wanted to do a Proto-Deathwing style army that included lots of terminators, therefor my army would use the pride of the legion rite of war.
Test model rear view |
There are currently a lot of 3rd party conversion bits on the market to add a bit of customization to the various legions. I wanted to include some of these impressive 3d printed pauldrons on some of my terminator sergeants and command squad. These pauldrons come from Pop Goes the Monkey.
At 750 points I only have 12 models to paint, which will be an easy to achieve goal considering all the stay at home time I have due to the current stay at home orders issued across the US.
Two five man squads of Cataphractii Terminators, a Legion Delegatus (for the rite of war), and a Primus Medicae will be my first 750 points.
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