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Friday, February 20, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Emperor's Children Assault Marines Completed


I have completed the next unit for my Horus Heresy Project, a unit of assault marines. One marine is equipped with a plasma pistol and I gave them some extra punch by upgrading the sergeant with a power fist. I typically wouldn't run this unit as I have traditionally used Rhinos with my marines, but I liked the relic style jump packs so much I felt compelled to include them.

With this unit completed I can start playing a combined arms detachment battle. My gaming group typically likes to run a force org style list and we haven't agreed to run unbound armies so now that I have the troops and HQ choice minimums filled I can move on the some heavy and elite choices for my next unit.

Image result for combined arms detachmentA combined arms detachment chart. This is what my gaming group is using for our Horus Heresy Escalation League.

Troops Choice- Legion Marine Squad of 10, nuncio vox and legion vexilla. Sergeant is equipped with a power weapon
Troops Choice- Legion Assault Marine Squad of 10, plasma pistol, Sergeant is equipped with a power fist
HQ Choice- Saul Tarvitz

In March I will test out this small force of loyalists to see if they are effective. My next goal is to get cracking at the traitor elements of the Emperor's Children, namely Lord Commander Eidolon and a unit of Kakophani.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Progress on the Emperor's Children

I'm getting a lot done on my 30K Emperor's Children army and wanted to show off some works in progress. I am nearly done with my assault marine and while I'm adding the finishing touches on that unit I am also making a lot of progress with Lord Commander Eidolon and my Lascannon toting Contemptor Dred.

I would say that I'm about 60% done with this guy. I'm down to the initial shading and highlighting.
I am a huge fan of the Contemptor and knew that my army would be including one.


Eidolon is also coming along well. If I can free up enough time this week I will most likely complete my first traitor HQ.

Warhammer 40K Squats, oh-yeah

I wanted to have a change of pace for this article and wanted to show off some old models that will hopefully get a revision. Having seen the new Harlequins I am excited about the future of the Warhammer 40K lineup. People who have been playing for a long time might remember the last time harlequins had a legitimate list. Well, it’s been even longer for my favorite alien race in the 40k universe, the Squats.
Some of my collection
These guys are synonymous with the term of removing all traces of rules and fluff from a game system because for a period of time it happened to this army at the onset of 3rd edition. There are all sorts of theories abounding as to why this happened, but I think it’s a moot point these days since they have been written back into the main rulebook in 6th edition and still remain there in 7th.
This mini is called the White Dwarf In Space. Looks an awful lot like a Squat if you ask me
One thing that I really liked about 40k when I first started was how some “fantasy” archetypes received a sci-fi grimdark makeover. The Squats were evolved humans (mutants) that took on many similarities akin to their dwarven counterparts. Short of stature, tough as nails, and primarily mined for trade goods are a few key descriptors. On top of that they had a long and bitter grudge against anything Orkoid. Nobody knows the specifics, but it is alleged that the Orks betrayed the Squats in the distant past and were never forgiven for it.
Although these models are showing their age I still like them and hope that if the current trend continues they will be given an update similar to the harlequin treatment.
File:Squats colour.jpg