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Monday, January 12, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Lord Commander Eidolon in Work

I began work on my Lord Commander Eidolon conversion at the same time as my Saul Tarvitz conversion. I had a lot of ideas running through my head on this one and ultimately decided to go with the jump pack upgrade. I wanted to give my assault marines some added punch and Eidolon would be a great addition to any unit. I felt that I had to have him doing a death scream and luckily I had a space marine bit that would work perfectly. I only had to sculpt some hair which wasn't too difficult to do. There aren't too many descriptions of what Eidolon looks like and I wasn't going to go with his card artwork, which looks ridiculous.

Lord Commander Eidolon
My Eidolon will not be sporting this hair

In the Horus Heresy novels he is described as being tall for a space marine and has features similar to Fulgrim. He is supposed to have a lot of embellishment on his armor so the Palatine Blade body will work nicely.

I hope to have him finished in a month. Once he is done I will be posting pics as usual.

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