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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Astral Claws project

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any content, but rest assured I’ve been active with hobby projects. Having hit past 2500 points on my Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children I found that I really needed a break from painting purple marines. I decided to get back to work on one of my old projects that I wished I put more effort into, the Astral Claws. I’m sticking with marines, but a largely metallic paint scheme is easier to work with and a nice change of pace. I’ve always wanted to represent a marine chapter apart from the standard well-known first founding variety.

I’m very close to hitting 1000 points of completed marines. Here is a selection of my first batch, where I started with a tactical squad.

After the tac squad I hadn’t put any serious work into this army for about 3 years so you may be able to tell with subtle color differences as I’m moving away from using only Citadel paints. I really like Vallejo paints, expect the gun metal, which I plan to go back to Citadel Boltgun or whatever they call it these days.

I’m quite happy with my Captain. I used the limited edition metal marine from the 2005 Space Marine army box and Korhil’s Cloak from High Elves. I thought the lion theme worked well since that was the pre-Huron chapter icon.

I also am fond of contemptor dreds so why not include one.

Valthex is also another HQ addition. Eventually I would like to run a 2nd techmarine and have more vehicles to create some synergy.

I am mostly finished with my command squad. I did a lot of freehand work on my banner since the Astral Claws waterslide transfer was too big to fit. I look for shortcuts when I can, but taking the time to do some freehand work always makes the army look extra snazzy.

There will be more to come for sure on this project. If you haven’t read the Forge World Badab War books I highly recommend you check them out. They are chock full with great info on this period of 40K. I would very much like to see more of this support when the Horus Heresy has run it’s course.