I have been slowly building up some Necrons for Epic Armageddon. I really liked the idea of running Necrons in Epic since it’s my most complete 40K army to date and wanted to do a 40K/Epic campaign down the road (time permitting). I have been fortunate to have acquired some hard to obtain forumware Obelisks, Monoliths, and Tomb Spyders. My Shapeways Pylon isn’t quite to the scale I would prefer, but it will do. The infantry are Edenites from Exodus Wars and make perfect Necrons. What I’m using as a warbarque is the Trollz Ghost Ark. So far I’ve added some paint in the coppery color scheme that matches my Necrons in 40K. The copper that I use is from an old Ral Partha copper metallic paint and it is ideal for that “shiny penny” look that I so much like. Sadly, this paint is all I have left and nothing else comes close to that coppery sheen.
Pylon, Monoliths, and Warbarque (Ghost Ark) |
The great thing about building an epic army is how easy it is to paint it up. I have only spent a few hours working on this army and have made some good headway. In the mean time I would like to re-familiarize myself with the rules and get some games in.
Obelisks, Lord, and Warriors |