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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: Lord Commander Eidolon Complete

Moving forward with adding traitors to my Emperor’s Children Legion I have finally completed Lord Commander Eidolon! This project started months ago (original post here) and put on the back burner in order to finish some of my loyalist units first. Right now Eidolon does not have a miniature, but there are lots of great bits out there to convert him. I wasn’t too keen on some of the old artwork on him and preferred to base my conversion off of the descriptions listed in the novels (the few that exist). He is described as wearing ornate power-armour decked out in gilded decorations and is taller than most astartes. He also favours wielding a thunder hammer and has the patrician features of his Primarch Fulgrim. In addition to the descriptions I also wanted to give him a jump pack upgrade so he can join my assault marine squad and give them added value. He also employs the bio-modification bestowed by Fabius Bile, the death-scream. It is only fitting that I have him without a helmet so he can effectively use his sonic attack.
This conversion is an amalgamation of various bitz. The body is from a palatine blade, the hammer arm is from one of the chapter masters set, and the pointing arm and head is from the space marine command squad box. I used some of the Emperor’s Children brass etch from Forge World on the jump pack and left pauldron. The only part that I had to sculpt was the hair. I used green stuff for my sculpting.
I decided to do a fair amount of freehand painting because this is one of my HQ options and wanted it to stand out apart from the other marines. I attempted a marbling effect on one of the pauldrons because I thought that plain white would be too bland for someone like a lord commander. The opposite pauldron has the eye of Horus to show the bond between the two legions and the knee pad has an eagle’s head profile. I also added some line designs to the loin cloth.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Horus Heresy Project: The Kakophoni

The Emperor's Children Kakophoni are the newest addition to my growing army and the first exclusive traitor element so far. My intent was to start off with a core of loyalist units led by Rylanor and Saul Tarvitz and then finish the army off with all of the traitorous elements. I liked the idea of having some flexibility to play in support of either faction if I were to take part in any future campaigns.


I really enjoyed painting this unit up because it was nice change from painting basic legion marines. My army lacked long range anti-infantry firepower and the Kakophoni are designed to wreak havoc on infantry.

I have a 40k Chaos Marine army with some Slaanesh elements and wanted to show a progression from Proto Noise-marine to current Chaos Noise-marine.